Your hands as well as your face require a lot of care, and now more than ever, due to the number of times we wash them with water (cold or warm, hot) and use soaps of any kind (paste or liquid), as well as the use of antibacterial gels. Nothing better than having a moisturizing or moisturizing cream on hand with natural and organic ingredients based on cocoa, honey or royal jelly, even coconut. Weekly exfoliate your hands with cosmetic products (* here I suggest not to use sugar with soap), since the spheres are not rounded, and in the long run it is like using ground glass. Make weekly a homemade mask based on cocoa powder dissolved in water and with essential oils of your choice, you can also use egg white, aloe (to make a lifting effect) or yogurt, if you have freckles or some spots or are dehydrated. Warm paraffin baths are also very helpful, as long as you have them or some ingredients that these tips are actually useful and practical, inex...